Wednesday 27 April 2016

Dress up day

Hope you are having a great holiday!

Here's a photo from our dress up day last term - the children had so much fun!

See you on Monday :)

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Photos from the last few weeks

On Friday last week the children drew the Easter Bunny and then used watercolour paints to add colour.


This term we have been learning about perseverance  'to try, try, try' again.
Earlier this week we read the story 'the very busy spider' - the spider keeps trying again and again to finish it's web.
The children used cupcake cases to make their own spiders.


Yesterday the children had their final hockey lesson. They were in teams of 7 and got to play a number of games. I have been so impressed by the skills they have learnt from these hockey lessons and how well they are able to play now.


Hope you are having a great week.
Have a lovely afternoon,
See you tomorrow :)